金 章 (限時十分鐘)

1. 直線球

2. 側牆球

3. 直線截擊球
考生須站於短線以後處 將球連續打出至發球格上空 , 並使球碰不著側牆為準。 正負手各打五球。

4. 短球
考生站於球場中央位置 , 自行以反向側球方式餵球 , 於球著地後?出 , 落點必須在牆腳或近牆腳之側牆處。正負手各打兩球。

5. 吊高斜線球
用以上方式自行餵球 , 將球輕?於前牆切線以上 , 回彈至斜角方較高之側牆後始落入發球格以後之場區內 , 正負手各打兩球。

6. 越首截擊殺球
考生站於短線以後處自行以吊高直線球餵球 , 然後擊出。正負手各打一球。

7. "8" 字形練習
如銀章 , 但以截擊球方式進行。正負手連續合共打出十球。

8. 體能測試
a. 直線來回跑 (1分鐘 22次 x 3組)
b. 掌上壓 (20下 x 3組)


All exercises to be completed correctly in the given time.
Time Allowed: 10 minutes.

1. Drive
10 backhand and 10 forehand straight drives in succession with ball bouncing behind the service box.

2. Boast
3 forehand and 3 backhand boasts by throwing ball at eye level gently into back wall, so as to ounce onto side wall, allow ball to bounce then complete exercise. The boast must hit 2 walls - side wall, front wall, then floor near the nick.

3. Volley
From behind short line. 5 forehand and 5 backhand volleys in succession within service box area. Ball must not hit side

4. Drop Shot
2 backhand and 2 forehand drop shots from centre TEE position. Set up with reverse boast, then moving forward play a drop shot to front wall - Side wall down near the nick.

5. Lob
2 backhands and 2 forehands cross court lobs from centre TEE position. Set up with reverse boast, the moving forward play a lob that hits the front wall soft and above the cut line - hits the side wall high and lands behind the service box.

6. Volley/Smash Overhead
Standing behind the service box, set up a lob and smash it deep to length down the wall. 1 backhand and 1 forehand.

7. Figure Eight
From TEE, 5 backhand 5 forehand on the volley.

8. Fitness test
a. court running (1 minute for 22 times x 3 sets)
b. push up (20 times x 3 sets)